Skinnify Me!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

long time?

I apologize for the delay in posting. I could not tell you how busy I have been. Dieting has been going well, and the weight has been slowly peeling off. Not a good job keeping you all updated though. Sorry.

My wife has begun Weight Watchers, which is good. Means more healthy stuff around the health. But sometimes I find it difficult with dinner. She makes recipes where she has the points all figured out, but all the info I need is not available.

So... I decided to start up with Weight Watchers. Unofficially though. I will track all my points here, hopefully, and with luck, it will make me post more often. The only thing that makes it difficult is that I would rather not post while I am at work, but I may use"s "journal" section to track at work, and then copy paste it here.

My wife is heading out to her weigh in now... she is going to find out for me how many points I get. Maybe I will update later with that total.

So without further ado...

Quaker Lower-Sugar Peaches and Cream Oatmeal - 2 points
Coffee - 0 points

Oh - and p.s. - surgery for carpal tunnel release is this upcoming Thursday...a

edit: holy frijoles (yum)!!! I just weighted myself before I showered... 182.8! That's a new record low by almost two pounds... not only that, but when I crossed 184, that's an offial more than 30 lbs lost! WOO HOO!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I had to re-weigh myself three times this morning to be certain. In case youre seeing this on a day where ive already changed the ticker (and it's fluxuated up, in all likelihood), I weighed in at 185.4 - two pounds lower than the previous all time low, which was Thursday this week. I don't really know what to think. Except that it's fantastic. Just a hair further to hit another five pound threshold... just half a pound and I'll be under 185...

So the doc says surgery. probably early next month, I'm guessing. Fun times. He made the recovery seem easy and quick, and I believe him because he showed me the scar on his hand from the exact same surgery. He said he was back lifting weights two weeks after surgery. Ok, sounds fine to me.

Anyway, just a short post today. it's Saturday, and I'm feeling lazy. Have a good weekend, folks.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I know, I know.

I'm slow to post. Life gets busy, you know?

I keep up with my eating and such still, as always, and also as always, you can keep track at my FitDay account.

On the carpal tunnel news front, I received my referral for the orthopedic; my appointment is Friday. The results from the two procedures was there too, and I read the neurologist's description of the results - mild carpal tunnel in my right hand/wrist, and moderate to severe carpal tunnel in the left. Pretty much what I expected, but at least it proves I'm not just whining.

I donated blood today, so though I drank a little 4 oz. container of apple juice and a single serving bag of pretzels, I don't really count it that much. But I still payed attention - I could have easily grabbed the Oreos (and believe me, with the way today generally was, I kinda still want the Oreos), but I had the prezels. Though I could have had water, I kinda wanted the fructose, so I had the apple juice instead of the cran-apple juice, since the a.j. was 100% juice while the c-a.j. was more like 18%.

But then I had the giant raspberry and vanilla late. I couldn't turn it down, somebody else bought it for me. And they went to pick it up too... so I didn't get as picky as I usually would with asking for skim instead of whole, and knowing that they have sugar free vanilla, but I just didn't want to be that picky... beggars and choosers and such.

Weight fluxuation is proving to be very strange... I slowly drop all week until Saturday night/Sunday morning, or Sunday night/Monday morning, where I seem to pretty much gain it all back. Meh.


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